Looking for last minute accommodations in Cashiers, Highlands, Lake Glenville?

As many people have been wondering when the best time to see the leaves change, there are just as many people who can't find a place to stay! Yes, it is our busiest time of year here in the Cashiers, Highlands and Lake Glenville areas.

We know many of you will be traveling to the mountains this coming weekend (yes, this weekend October 18th is predicted to be the PEAK of leaf season)

If you are one of those last minute travelers, we do have a limited number of cabins available for rent only to clients who plan on looking at homes or land for sale, while they are in town.

Sorry, this is only an offer of convenience for those of you who are interested in buying property in our amazing mountain community.
If you need additional information please contact Rae @ 828-226-8837


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